How to Make a Child Friendly Garden on a Budget

Creating a child-friendly garden on a budget can be fun and with a little bit of planning and creativity, you can transform your outdoor space into a safe and engaging play area that your children will love to spend time in.


Planning You Space

Children playing in a garden sandbox

Plan your garden layout before you start making any changes. Consider the age of your children and what activities they enjoy doing outside. For example, if you have young children, you may want to create a dedicated play area with a sandpit or water table. If your children are older, they may prefer a space for sports or games.

Recycle Old Items

Child playing on a tyre swing

Use recycled materials, creating a child-friendly garden doesn't have to be expensive. Consider using materials such as old tyres, pallets or wooden crates to create play equipment or raised garden beds. This is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Consider the Senses

Child playing in the garden flower beds

Create a sensory garden. Children love to explore and discover new things. Consider creating a sensory garden with different textures, smells and colours. Planting herbs, flowers and vegetables can be a great way to engage your child's senses and encourage them to learn about the natural world.

Brighten Up Your Garden

Tomatoes growing in the garden

Include child-friendly plants. When choosing plants for your garden, it's important to consider which ones are safe for children. Avoid plants that are toxic or prickly, and instead opt for child-friendly plants such as sunflowers, marigolds or cherry tomatoes. These plants are not only safe for children but can also be a fun way to teach them about gardening and the environment.

Add Texture

Child playing in a garden tree house

Add some fun features to make your garden more engaging for children, consider adding some fun features such as a treehouse, swing or slide. These features don't have to be expensive, and you can even create them yourself using recycled materials.

Encourage Wildlife

Birds eating from garden bird feeders

Create a wildlife garden. Encouraging wildlife into your garden can be a great way to teach children about the natural world. This can be as simple as leaving an area of your garden wild or adding a bird feeder or bug hotel.

Remember to Stay Safe

Man sanding garden furniture

Make safety a priority. When creating a child-friendly garden, safety should always be a top priority. Make sure any play equipment is securely anchored and free from sharp edges or splinters. If you have a pond or pool, make sure it is securely fenced off and supervise children at all times.

Creating a child-friendly garden on a budget is possible with a little bit of planning and creativity. By following these tips, you can transform your outdoor space into a safe and engaging play area that your children will love to spend time in.

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